Friday, December 25, 2009

We're all the same. We're all different.

People always have something to say,myself included. Why is that? Why are we so quick to criticize one another but hate the reciprocity? Idk,it was just on my mind. Sometimes,(almost all the time) my thoughts are scattered. They say most artistic people are weird. I don't mind :) I think im indifferent. I think I am one of the meanest people and one of the nicest at the same time. Is that possible? I know so. I think we are all misunderstood in some way. There is something inside of us or about us that no other human being will know, even if they DO think they know everything about us. I hate the word secret sometimes. I mean, i know the meaning but it sounds so bad..everything that people don't know or that you don't tell can't be a secret... its just something they haven't found out...Or haven't taken the time to see.

I think at times we keep things from ourselves.
I know i keep things from myself sometimes. Why do people act like they are so fearless? It's ok to be strong, confident,and have tough skin..but fearless? You're lying to yourself. People associate ownership of fear with weakness. If you can not openly confront your fears and work towards them, what makes you strong?

We all have our own opinions.This is mine.

"why are you always so mad" is what people always ask me. And that in itself makes me mad. Everyone won't understand you but sometimes i wish they could. Honestly, nothing makes me angrier than someone asking me why I am mad. I am a passionate human being.
Get over it.
Truth be told, when i really care about people I am the most sappiest/cuddling/awww person you will ever meet and it makes me sick lol.And when I don't care about do the math.

Where is this coming from? I really don't know lol, but its my blog and i can write what I want to ;p

I think I'm ready

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